Config Section

Config Section

SafeSquid's startup configuration is stored in startup.conf in Linux, and in the Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SafeSquid\Parameters in Windows. The startup configuration defines the critical parameters of SafeSquid's process that cannot be altered in run-time. The run-time configuration of SafeSquid defines the policies that SafeSquid shall effect when handling requests and serving the responses from the various web-sites. The run-time configuration is stored in an XML file and the path to this file, is specified as one of the parameters in startup configuration. This XML file is typically referred to as "config xml" and the file is generally named as config.xml. The features of SafeSquid, that you can use to define your Internet Access Policies, and other operation of SaferSquid, are referred to as sections, and each of these sections is a node in the config xml file. Each of these sections may have sub-sections, and appear as sub-nodes in the config xml. Experts can manually edit the config xml to define the runtime behavior of SafeSquid, but it is highly advisable to use the the SafeSquid's Interface or WebGUI to achieve these tasks.

You can use the link Config in the Top Section of the Interface, or alternatively you may directly access http://safesquid.cfg/config to access each of the configurable sections. Accessing either of links, presents you with a drop down menu, that lists all the sections. You can choose a section that you wish to view, or modify from this drop-down menu. For example if you wish to make changes in the Access Restrictions section select Access Restrictions from the drop-down menu and click submit.

Key Notes

The SafeSquid Interface may be accessible even when your browser is not set to use the SafeSquid's proxy service.
For example - suppose you have installed SafeSquid and set it up to listen on

You may be able to access the WebGUI when you access However managing the sections via the config link may not work and is not the standard approach for achieving the management tasks. The correct approach is to set your browser to use proxy at IP: PORT:8080 and then access the WebGUI at http://safesquid.cfg/

The access to the Top Menu Links and the rest of the WebGUI is completely controllable via policies created in Access Restrictions. The default config xml that is shipped in the installation package, allows access to WebGUI to everybody. Please change this to a more appropriate policy by accessing the Access Restrictions section in the config, to secure your web-gateway.

In case you have a requirement to manage the configuration of proxy server(s), but you cannot set your browser to use these proxy servers, you can use this example workaround.

Setup the proxy host name in the startup parameters to a FQDN or a hostname that your workstation can resolve. For example it could be proxy_server_1 Validate that your desktop can access proxy_server_1, you may have to edit the hosts file so that proxy_server_1 now resolves to the IP address, where the SafeSquid service is listening. Now you can access all the sections of the SafeSquid WebGUI by accessing http://proxy_server_1:8080/safesquid.cfg

Incomplete … under construction

Screen Shot

Web Filtering Proxy Interface Screen-Shot - Config Option

Accessing SafeSquid Interface - Video

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